“How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!” – Thomas Jefferson While you are busy at work, your legislatures are attempting to grant unelected bureaucrats with the power to raise money from toll roads. The bill before the Senate to allow this to happen, Senate Bill 627, will accord, “certain public authorities to develop certain eligible products and to enter into certain agreements.” [1] Essentially, an … [Read more...] about ‘No’ to Toll Roads Ran by Un-elected Bureaucrats
Taxpayer Funded Lobbying: A System of Big Government Cronyism
One of the biggest scams going on in Michigan is taxpayer funded lobbying. Government agencies are using your hard earned money to lobby for issues that you have no say in! The system allows for your tax money to pay professional lobbyists to lobby at the local and state level for higher taxes and more regulations. For those who do not understand how government funded lobbying works, here is a quick example and breakdown, you pay your taxes that go to the local school board, and the local … [Read more...] about Taxpayer Funded Lobbying: A System of Big Government Cronyism
Michigan’s Success Depends on a Part-Time Legislature
It is well past due for Michigan to have a part time legislature. There are 40 states that operate with a part time legislature, and Michigan has consistently chosen to not be one of them. Part-time legislature has numerous effects, including accountability and sensible economic reform. An aspect of part-time legislatures is that the salary of representatives would be near $35,000 a year, which would put them in line with the average Michigander salary of $28,000.[1] Our legislators are … [Read more...] about Michigan’s Success Depends on a Part-Time Legislature
Common Core: A Disaster for Michigan
Often times we do not associate an education policy as having a direct effect on economic growth in Michigan, but this time it is different. Common Core in Michigan is having a detrimental effect on our children as well as our economy. In a time that Michiganders are swamped by unnecessary costs and regulations, Common Core provides an unnecessary burden on the average family. According to Fox News, states that implement Common Core “will spend up to an estimated $10 billion up front, then as … [Read more...] about Common Core: A Disaster for Michigan