Ben Franklin once said the only thing certain in life is death and taxes. Although he said this during the 1700’s, it feels truer today for a lot of us than any other time in history. Death is the case for all of us, but what if we told you that taxes affect some people more than others? This happens to be the case with federal income taxes. A resounding 45% percent of Americans paid no federal income taxes this past year. 45%! That is roughly 77.5 million Americans. To put that in … [Read more...] about The Federal Government Does Not Want Your Income Taxes
Why You Should Care About The Proposal To Tax Motorists
A few weeks ago, The Washington Post broke a very important, but under-looked story; a group of East Coast states are looking to tax motorists for the miles they drive instead of taxing their gas. This is a dangerous precedent, and one we should care about in Michigan even if currently it isn’t being discussed by our government. Here’s a few reasons why you should care about this radical proposal: … [Read more...] about Why You Should Care About The Proposal To Tax Motorists
New Day, New Regulations
MIRS News Services has reported that the Department of Health & Human Services are proposing new regulations for tattoo artists and piercers in Michigan. Some of the new regulations include new rules for jewelry and what kind of material the jewelry must be made out of. Although MIRS News states that a lot of tattoo artists and piercers support these new rules, it is another example of government overreach. Let's be clear, the government should have no say over the type of jewelry that … [Read more...] about New Day, New Regulations